T: Gee, it would sure be nice to have more sheriffs patrols in town. LA County just doesn’t have the money.
D: why don't you patrol if you are so concerned? if you catch someone in the act of removing what does not belong to the remover, feed ravens and coyotes.....just be sure that you actually catch the carcass in the act....
W: It’s not Tom’s job to patrol. He pays taxes that should be providing that service. Save your ridiculous metaphors. We’re not in the 1800s anymore.
1) not ____ job is outside my own belief system. when you see a rape occurring, do you say, "not my job to stop this rape"? or do you intervene?
2) taxes are theft, not payment for service.
3) paramilitary predators do not have obligations to do anything more than guard a blue/brown/green line; they have no obligation to address civilian concerns. they are not in the business of preventing crimes or torts. they are not protectors; they are predators who go to and fro upon the highways and up and down on the byways, seeking whom they may detain, whom they may destroy, whom they may devour on behalf of other folks willing to impose opinions through the use of up to lethal force. their fundamental duty is to survive to the end of their shifts, and go home to their families, where they then commit suicide.
4) feeding ravens and coyotes is not a metaphor. nor it is a simile, nor an allegory. it is just a suggestion.
5) ideas and outlook do not depend on when they manifest, but on consequences and introspection.